If you are interested in joining our ISA Kassel, please send us an email.
The fee for the ISA Kassel is EUR 2,490.
The fee for the additional Berlin trip is EUR 315.
Please note: Minimum age for participation in the ISA program is 18 years.
Registration and Payment Information
After sending your application form to the ISA office, we will send you a confirmation via email. Upon acceptance of the application, you will receive an invoice with the detailed payment information from us. The payment should be received by us 30 days after the date of the invoice. As soon as we received the payment, we will send you an acceptance letter.
Please understand, that no place can be reserved for you until we have received the fee.
Banks usually also charge us for the processing of transfers, cheque or credit card payments. Please note that we will have to pass these fees on to you upon your arrival in Kassel.
Cancellation Rights
Please note: If, for any reason, a participant wants to withdraw his/her registration, the participant has to inform the ISA Kassel immediately. An administrative fee of € 250,- will be retained by the University of Kassel. Should a participant withdraw from the ISA Kassel 2021 after the start of the program on the 24th of July, the ISA Kassel will retain the full program fee paid by the participant.